2022年6月12日 星期日

IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Art Museum


Unique Lotuses in Ink


   (Dr. Yuhua Shouzhi Wang)

美國紐約藝術學院於2019年1月22日特頒授證書認定玉花壽之王博士是國際級第一級藝術家。玉花壽之王博士的水墨畫意境渾然天成,布局潑辣大方,墨氣流暢,不著痕跡,格高境大,氣韻生動,而她的超現實寫真功夫更是古代名家未能涉及到的意境。2013年聯合國教科文組織俱樂部、中心、協會世界聯合會的George Christophides 主席帶專家視察美國國際藝術館,見到玉花壽之王博士的作品,大為讚嘆,當下評定命名為「聯合國教科文組織俱樂部、中心、協會世界聯合會2013」,並為美國國際藝術館發了護照。


In 2010,  her painting Lotus Delight (2.3 square feet in size) was auctioned in San Gabriel, California, and sold for USD50,100. In 2013, her artworks were recognized by the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers, and Associations (WFUCA) as “WFUCA2013.” In 2019, Dr. Wang was formally recognized by the New York Academy of Art as an “International First-Class Artist.” In the same year, her painting Pomegranates in Bamboo Basket (27 x 18 inches in size) was auctioned in New York and sold for USD1.27 million. She held a solo exhibition, titled One Flower, Two Worlds at the Louvre in Paris in 2019 and created a sensation in French art circles. In 2020, the United States National Commission for UNESCO Clubs, Centers, and Associations conferred on her the “International First-Class Artist” title along with the issuance of a certificate and badge.

The well-known saying, “Deeply hidden talent not easily revealed” aptly describes Dr. Wang’s morality and inner refinement. She is an artist at the Class of Ease, which is the highest level of achievement in painting. There are only about a dozen people in the history of art who have attained such a class.

Our museum is very fortunate to have Dr. Wang as our Lifetime Honorary Chairman. Dr. Wang graciously loaned many of her artworks to be permanently exhibited in a dedicated gallery hall at our museum.

#Art Museum San Francisco 



义云高大师 (H.H第三世多杰羌佛) - 成佛之道

义云高大师 (H.H第三世多杰羌佛) - 成佛之道