Emerald Jade
Each of the rapid cursive writing styles of famous Chinese calligraphers throughout history has its own merits. Additionally, numerous varieties of calligraphy have evolved from the different forms of Chinese characters, such as the regular script, cursive script, official script, and seal character. The most famous calligraphers in the rapid cursive style are Wang Xizhi, Zhang Huaiguan, and He Shaoji. One of the foremost calligraphers of modem times is Master Youren Yu. However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is totally different from all other great masters of calligraphy. It can be said that He created more calligraphic styles than any other calligrapher in the world, including calligraphers throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has written calligraphy in forms and styles that He Himself created, such as the childlike form, the dragon and snake form, the semi-cursive script, the small cursive script, the large cursive script, the jade belt script, and the steel bone script. He has developed many calligraphic styles that reflect the quintessence of calligraphic charm. This high-quality work in the rapid cursive style reflects great calligraphic abilities. It is devoid of the constraints of ancient styles that others have rigidly adhered to and is free of the limitations inherent in rubbings from stone inscriptions. Created with an unfettered hand and unattached mind, it has the appearance of celestial writing accomplished with a childlike mind and steady strokes of the brush. It is naturally attractive and reflects complete calligraphic proficiency. No trace of the mundane can be found. It is a work that exemplifies appealing gracefulness, flowing charm, and brisk elegance.
H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的書法能達到如此登峰造極的境界,全然來源於他博大的學識,精深的才華,當然臨帖的功夫對於佛陀來說一 揮體成,而紮實雄厚,方能自成大家。比如H.H.第三世多杰羌佛在初涉書門之時,即有傳統草書的堅實功夫和博大學識的修養,我們見 到書法的第一張,即是初學草書的功底,而以他自吟之七絕詩『華宮日月麗陽天,喜乘西風六月閒,故朋來從叭聲望,始知暑氣 已冬殘』何等詩句脫盡煙火之氣,高風清奇,不染塵俗。
H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的書法,匯聚五明之全面證德證境,方見墨情神至,又近年之草書以瘦金龍蛇無礙而寫,更見神韻風馳,『翡 翠玉』乃出仙風佛骨,徹底跳出三界外,豈然笑傲五行中,實乃非書之書,情懷宇宙。